
Line of Action of Redevelopment Process

  • Minimum 25% of Society Members should give an application to the Secretary of the Managing Committee, which is legally appointed to discuss redevelopment of the society building.

  • After receiving application,the Managing Committee should take the decision within 8 days and shall arrange the Special General Body meeting from one month within the date of application.

  • The notice of the Sp.General.Body Meeting should be given 15 days in advance to the society members.

  • Minimum Quorum of the Sp.General.Body meeting should be 75% of the total number of existing members.

  • Incase of no Quorum the meeting shall be adjourned for 8 days.
  • If no Quorum is observed in Adjourned and Reconvened meeting, it shall be assumed that members are not interested in redeveloping their society and the SGBM shall be dissolved.

When the Quorum is complete……

  • After brain storming the decision for the redevelopment shall be taken by min. majority of 75%.

  • Finalize the line of action for the redevelopment process.
  • Before the said SGBM,the managing committee will get the Techno-Commercial offers from minimum 5 Experienced/Registered Architects/PMC.
  • Discuss about the scope/work of the Architect/PMC.
  • After the technical scrutiny,finalise the Architect or PMC and give them the appointment letter within 15 days from the date of SGBM.
  • The secretary of the society shall circulate the minutes in SGBM within 10 days to all the society members.
  • The copy of Minutes of SGBM is sent to the office of respective Dy.Registrar.Of.Co.Op.Society.
  • Procuring documents and latest records of land and building.
  • Checking status of conveyance deed and title of the land.
  • Understanding the existing build up and carpet area of each flat.


  • Detailed contour survey of the existing plot boundary of the soc. Land.
  • The managing committee will get the structural audit done about the structural condition of the building from reputed structural agency.
  • Scrutiny of Approved plans and Existing status of the building.
  • Study the available schemes for redevelopment. Eg. Incentive/MHADA/MMRDA/Municipal Cooperation/SRA etc.
  • Preparation of Area statement as per by-laws of Local Authorities.
  • The project report shall be submitted to the society within 2 months from the date of appointment of architect/PMC.
  • The project report shall be submitted to all the society members and their suggestions are invited 8 days in advance of the Spl.General.Body Meeting.
  • The suggestions are sent to the architect 7 days in advance of the Spl.General.Body meeting.
  • After detailed discussion, accepted suggestions will be incorporated in the project report.
  • The modified project report will be approved by the majority in the Spl.General.Body meeting.
  • The architect will be expected to prepare a tender document as per approved terms and conditions.
  • The managing committee will get the structural audit done about the structural condition of the building from a reputed Engineering Agency.
  • Understanding the Requirements from Society Members and Real Estate Market Trend.
  • The Tender Document is prepared by keeping either Required Carpet Area or Corpus   Fund Constant as Basic Condition.
  • The Tender Notice will be Publish in Reputed Newspapers. The Society members may ask known reputed developers to participate in Tendering process.
  • The Tender document will be released from the office of Architect & will be submitted in the Society office in a given time period
  • The Tender Document will consist of Tender Notice, Area Statement, Methodology, Terms & Conditions, List of Amenities, Property Documents, Existing Survey Drawings & Photographs of Plot & Building
  • The Tender document will be Approved in Spl. Gen. Body Meeting by the majority.
  • All the Tenders should be Opened by the Members of Managing Committee in the presence of the Soc. Members, Architect / PMC & representative of developers.
  • After Opening the offers received from Developers, the Secretary will make the List of Received Tenders & will display on Society’s Notice Board.
  • All the received offers will be Handed Over to Architect for his assessment.


  • The Architect will prepare Techno-Commercial Comparative Analysis & will submit to the Managing Committee to circulate the same to all the Society Members.
  • Technical and Commercial Discussions with Developers are carried out during the joint meeting.
  • All the information & Clarification are sought from developers Regarding their Capability & Credibility.
  • The Developers will be asked to submit Further Details in sealed Envelope which are not properly submitted by them in the Tender Offers.
  • Final Techno-Commercial Comparative Analysis is prepared in regards with revised offers received for Developers.
  •  Site Visits shall be done to Check the quality & construction management of probable shortlisted Developers.

  • Taking into consideration capability, credibility & commercial offer, Minimum 5 Developers are shortlisted.

  • The draft of Terms & Conditions of Development Agreement & Power of Attorney will be discussed & Approved by the Spl. Gen. Body Meeting.
  •  Application should be sent to the office of respective Deputy Registrar of Co-op. Hsg. Soc. well in advance to be present for the Spl. General Body Meeting, which will be In Camera.
  • The Secretary of the Society shall convene the SGBM within One month from the date of appointment of authorised officer by the Dy. Registrar of Co.Op.Society.
  • The Notice of the Spl. Gen. Body Meeting should be given 14 days in advance to all the Society Members by hand delivery & by registered A.D.Post.
  • In case of no quorum, the meeting will be adjourned for 8 days.
  • If No quorum is observed in Adjourned and Reconvened Meeting, It shall be assumed that members are not interested in Redeveloping their society building and the SGBM shall be dissolved. The matter of redevelopment for approval shall not be part of agenda of SGBM for further 1 year.
  • Only Bonafide society members shall be eligible to attend & vote in the SGBM.
  • Bonafied Society member shall carry their photo Identity Card to attend the SGBM.
  • In the said Spl. Gen. Body Meeting, Architect / PMC will Explain the Comparative Analysis of offers submitted by 5 shortlisted developers.
  • Shortlisted 5 developers will make Presentation of their Commercial Offer one after another.
  • The decision taken in the SGBM shall be Binding on all developers participated in tendering process.
  • Taking all the points of Final Comparative Analysis into account one Developer is Approved or Finalized with min. 51% of Majority.
  • The Written Consent From finalized developer is received.
  • The Deputy Registrar of Co.Op.Hsg. Soc. will furnish his No Objection Certificate & will endorse the decision taken by the Spl. Gen. Body Meeting subject to compliance of authorized procedure to finalize the Developer.
  • Sanctioned Plan
  • Property Card of Society 
  • Society’s Registration Certificate issued by District Deputy Registrar Cooperative Societies, Thane 
  • Malmattecha Utara, Thane Municipal Corporation
  • CTS Sketch
  • Documents of Loan if taken from Maharashtra State Co.op. Housing Finance Corporation
  • Occupation Certificate
  • Conveyance Deed
  • Development Agreement
  • Tax Assessment Record
Society Members to furnish following documents to the Developer. List of Documents from Society Members :
  •  KYC Forms duly filled from all members
  • PAN Card
  • Aadhar Card
  • Agreement of the project Flat / Shop
  • Share Certificate (both sides)
  • Loan documents if any
  • Architect will suggest in consultation with the Developer various options in planning so as to have Suitable Design from Society’s Point of view.

  • The Spl.Gen. Body of the soc. will discuss, modify & Approve the Final Plans & Elevations of the Proposed Society Building.
  •  Allocation of proposed new flats is to be done by Society Members Amicably or through lottery System or as per decision taken by Society Members in SGBM.
  • As per Approved Terms & Conditions, the Legal Adviser will prepare the Draft of Development Agreement & Power of Attorney in consultation with the Soc. Architect
  • The said draft is discussed, modified & mutually Agreed by the Developer.
  • The Spl. General Body will Approve the draft of Development Agreement & Power of Attorney and will Nominate min. 3 Committee Members to enter into Development Agreement, P.O.A. & Individual Agreement on behalf of the Society.
  • Development Agreement should be from the date of finalization of Developer.
  • The Architect will procure the Relevant NOC’s and Prepare the Municipal  Drawings.
  • The Developer will purchase the Additional TDR from TMC & from open Market to  utlize on the Society plot.
  • The Architect will submit the plans for approval to Local competent Authorities like Municipal Corporation or MHADA or MMRDA
  • The Developer will pay the necessary Development Charges, Fees, Deposits etc. to the various local Competent Authorities
  • The respective Authorities will give their Approval & will offer Commencement Certificate.
  • The Individual Flat Agreement is signed & registered between Developer & Individual flat owner.
  • The Developer will reimburse by cheque / net banking towards Rent, Deposit, Brokerage & Shifting.
  • The Society Members to provide & finalize temporary alternate Accommodation.
  • Members may remove movable fittings, fixtures & furniture made by them, at their own expenses subject to NOC form.
  • After shifting of Members, the vacant & Peaceful possession of the Soc. Premises to be Handed Over to the Developer.
  • After shifting of Members, existing building will be Demolished.
  •  The Architect, Soc. Committee & Developer will work out the Action Plan for Construction Activity towards …..
    • Setting up of Labour Camp
    • Storage of Building Material
    • Prevention of Nuisance to Adjoining Buildings.
    • Setting up temporary Society & Site Office.
    • Soil Investigation
    • Schedule of Construction Activity (Bar Chart) etc.
  • The Developer will also prepare & submit the Action Plan regarding Security, Health & Insurance Policy as per terms of Agreement.
  • Architect will advice on the Quality Tests required to be done during the progress of construction work.
  • Architect & Structural Consultant will make Periodic Supervision to check the Progress & Quality of the construction work.
  • After completion of the plinth, the Architect will procure further Commencement Certificate till completion of the construction work from Municipal Corporation.
List of NOC required for application of OC (May differ Project to Project)
  •  CFO Compliance
  • Tree NOC
  • Water NOC
  • Drainage NOC
  • Rain Water Harvesting
  • Solar Water Heating System
  •  Lift NOC
  • Painting completion certificate
  •  Latest Tax Extracts
  • Stability & Completion certificate
  • CCTV System
  • Charges
  • Compound Wall
  • Site Completion
  • Site Status
  • Site Photograph
  • After completion of total Construction work, the Architect will procure Necessary Permissions from various Authorities & Occupation Certificate from Municipal Corporation.
  •  After receipt of Occupation Certificate the Architect  & Developer will procure the necessary Water Supply, Drainage & Electrical Connections.
  • The Developer will arrange the Joint Inspection with representatives of Developer, Architect & respective flat owner for Checking the Completion & Quality Certification of Internal finishes of every flat.
  • After satisfactory Certification, the respective new flats are Handed Over by developer to respective flat owners, on ownership basis.
  • All the flat owners Relocate to their flats in newly constructed building.
  • Subsequently the Developer will Hand Over the Possession of Sell Flats to the respective new owners.
  • The sell flat purchasers are accepted as New Members in the Existing Regd. Society

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